| ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ | 7-12 |
Review articles |
| Н.А. Арманд, Ю.Г. Тищенко, В.П. Саворский, М.Т. Смирнов About scientific program of space experiments in the course of
exploitation of the space apparatus MKA-PN1 | 15-21 |
| С.В. Афонин, В.В. Белов, Д.В. Соломатов Physical aspects of RTM-method application for solving of thermal
infrared remote sensing problem | 22-32 |
| В.Н. Копылов, Г.А. Кочергин, Ю.М. Полищук, В.А. Хамедов Application of remote sensing data at the decision of regional tasks
of rational usage by natural resources | 33-41 |
| С.В. Переслегин, А.Ю. Иванов, З.А. Халиков Perspectives of development of space radar methods for research of
oceanic phenomena | 42-57 |
| С.К. Татевян Scientific significance of the Global Geodetic Observation System | 58-67 |
Satellite data processing |
| П.В. Бабяк, Г.В. Тарасов Use experience in applying GRID-technologies to data processing
system of Satellite Center FEBRAS | 71-80 |
| Б.М. Балтер, В.В. Егоров, А.П. Калинин, И.П. Родионова, М.В. Стальная Methods and preliminary results of coprocessing hyperspectral and
radar data for agriculture seeds | 81-87 |
| С.А. Барталев, М.А. Бурцев, В.А. Егоров, В.Ю. Ефремов, Р.В. Котельников, Е.А. Лупян, А.А. Мазуров, А.М. Матвеев, В.Е. Щетинский Application of high resolution satellite data in the wildfires remote
monitoring information system (ISDM-Rosleskhoz) | 88-95 |
| О.А. Гомозов, А.Е. Кузнецов, В.И. Побаруев, В.И. Пошехонов, А.А. Сухов Digital elevation model generation algorithms
based on Resurs-DK satellite imagery | 96-104 |
| В.А. Гришин, Е.В. Белинская Benchmark of points neighborhood spectral representations for
points correspondence in different images | 105-112 |
| А.В. Дмитриев, В.В. Дмитриев Theoretical and experimental research of snow melting process
around Оmsk city on materials of 2007-2008 | 113-121 |
| М.Ю. Достовалов, C.Л. Внотченко, Р.В. Ермаков, Е.П. Жаровская, Т.Г. Мусинянц, А.В. Теличев Anomaly High Backscattering levels at L and VHF band SAR Images
Caused by Influence of Periodical Structures | 122-131 |
| Н.А. Егошкин, В.В. Еремеев, Е.П. Козлов, И.В. Москатиньев, А.Э. Москвитин Geodetic binding of images from the geostationary
satellite on a contour of a disk of the Earth and electronic maps | 132-138 |
| Н.С. Ерохин, Н.Н. Зольникова, Л.А. Михайловская, С.Л. Луков The studying of structure functions scaling parameters for the
thunderclouds atmosphere electricity | 139-145 |
| В.Ю. Ефремов, Ю.С. Крашенинникова, Е.А. Лупян, А.А. Мазуров, А.М. Матвеев, Л.А. Пахомов, А.А. Прошин, В.П. Саворский Integration capabilities of satellite remote sensing data catalogues
and specialized monitoring systems | 146-150 |
| А.Н. Жегалов Actuality and completeness of the radar image as pragmatical
characteristics of space systems of remote sensing of the Earth | 151-159 |
| В.А. Зенин, П.А. Князьков Estimation of the relation "signal/noise" of optiko-electronic devices
under images of a terrestrial surface | 160-166 |
| В.В. Золотарев, Р.Р. Назиров, А.В. Никифоров, И.В. Чулков New possibilities of multithreshold decoding for high-reliable data
transmission in ERS systems | 167-173 |
| А.А. Казак, Л.В. Катковский, Н.А. Кейдо, Т.М. Курикина, А.В. Роговец, С.В. Хвалей Emergency situations surveying technique and large scale image
map construction according to the data from AMS-ES | 174-180 |
| С.Н. Катаманов, О.Я. Десяткова Automatic navigation of FengYun-2C geostationary satellite imagery | 181-188 |
| Е.М. Козлов Study of the possibility of the differentiation of variations
the ascending emission SAP in the optical wavelength range.
Preliminary results | 189-195 |
| В.В. Козодеров, В.В. Борзяк, Е.Д. Дмитриев, В.Д. Егоров Natural and anthropogenic objects pattern recognition and their
condition assessment using multispectral and hyperspectral airspace
remote sensing data | 196-205 |
| Т.В. Кондранин, В.В. Козодеров, О.Ю. Казанцев, В.И. Бобылев, В.В. Борзяк, Е.В. Дмитриев, В.Д. Егоров, В.П. Каменцев, А.Ю. Беляков, С.Б. Логинов Information content enhancement for multispectral and
hyperspectral airspace remote sensing data while solving applied
problems of quantative assessment of natural and anthropogenic
objects condition | 206-215 |
| П.В. Люшвин Estimation albedo surfaces of the Earth in an infra-red range for
transition from radiating temperatures to thermodynamic | 216-219 |
| А.М. Полетаев Methods of the certified test of the digital elevation models
based on Earth remote sensing data | 220-226 |
| В.П. Саворский Conceptual model objectification of the remote sensing information
system | 227-233 |
| С.В. Шеберстов, С.В. Вазюля, О.В. Копелевич Algorithm of using information received at along-track scanning
for atmospheric correction of satellite ocean color data | 234-242 |
| В.К. Шухостанов, Л.А. Ведешин, А.Г. Цыбанов Hyperspectral diagnostics of modern technosphere | 243-248 |
Development and application of satellite monitoring systems of the environment |
| В.А. Ваваев, А.С. Василейский, Б.С. Жуков, С.Б. Жуков, А.Н. Куркина, И.В. Полянский On-ground calibration of KMSS cameras for Meteor-M No. 1 | 251-258 |
| Ф.С. Завелевич, Ю.М. Головин, А.В. Десятов, Д.А. Козлов, Ю.П. Мацицкий, А.Г. Никулин, Р.И. Травников, А.С. Романовский, С.А. Архипов, В.А. Целиков Technological model of the on-board Fourier spectrometer IKFS-2 for
temperature-humidity probing of the atmosphere | 259-266 |
| М.И. Кислицкий, В.Д. Стариченкова UFIKT advanced space system for remote sensing of Earth surface
and atmosphere | 267-271 |
| А.В. Никитин Utilize navigation data for obtaining and coordinate reference high
resolution remote sensing images | 272-281 |
| А.С. Панфилов, А.А. Бурдакин, Ю.М. Гектин, В.С. Иванов, В.Н. Крутиков, Б.Е. Лисянский, С.П. Морозова, Н.В. Новикова, С.А. Огарев, М.Н. Павлович, М.Л. Самойлов, Б.Б. Хлевной, В.И. Саприцкий SI traceability for space radiometric measurements within optical
waveband | 282-287 |
| К.В. Селиванов Development of image transfer system from nano-satellites for ERS
purposes | 288-295 |
Remote sensing of ocean surface and ice cover |
| М.Г. Алексанина, А.Ю. Карнацкий Spatial characteristics comparison of sea ice and cloud fields in
AVHRR/NOAA visible channel on an example of Okhotsk Sea | 299-302 |
| В.В. Баханов, Э.М. Зуйкова, О.Н. Кемарская, В.И. Титов, Ю.И. Троицкая Determination of spectral - kinematic characteristics of sea waves
from sea surface images | 303-313 |
| А.В. Березуцкий, В.Е. Скляров Characteristics of volume sound scattering variability in
sub-satellite oceanic experiments | 314-321 |
| Г.С. Бордонский, А.А. Гурулев, С.Д. Крылов, А.О. Орлов, С.В. Цыренжапов Peculiarities of ice electromagnetic properties and radiosounding of
cryospheric objects | 322-326 |
| А.В. Бушуев, В.С. Лощилов, А.В. Григорьев, С.Н. Буланов, В.Г. Смирнов, Ю.А. Щербаков Development of the algorithms and method for sea ice thickness
determination with the use of satellite infrared information | 327-338 |
| С.В. Вазюля, О.В. Копелевич, С.В. Шеберстов Assessment of the budget of solar radiation in shallow waters from
satellite data | 339-348 |
| А.И. Гинзбург, А.Г. Костяной, Н.А. Шеремет, С.А. Лебедев Variability of sea surface temperature and level of the Black,
Marmara and Aegean Seas as derived from satellite measurements | 349-358 |
| А.А. Гурулев, А.О. Орлов, С.В. Цыренжапов Radiometric and Radar Scattering Measurements Transbaikalian
Lakes in Winter | 359-363 |
| С.А. Ермаков, И.А. Капустин On widening of turbulent surface ship wake | 364-372 |
| Н.Ю. Захваткина, В.Ю. Александров, А.А. Коросов, О.М. Йоханнессен Sea ice classification using ENVISAT ASAR images | 373-379 |
| В.Ю. Караев, М.Б. Каневский, Е.М. Мешков Measurement of variance of water surface slopes from a platform
moving with variable speed | 380-385 |
| В.В. Колдунов Semi-annual period in sea level fluctuations | 386-391 |
| А.В. Колдунов, А.Г. Черкашёва Studying spatiotemporal variability of primary production in Azores
region by using satellite measurements data | 392-399 |
| О.В. Копелевич, В.И. Буренков, С.В. Шеберстов, О.В. Прохоренко Development of regional algorithms for the atmospheric correction of
satellite ocean color data | 400-408 |
| О.Ю. Лаврова, Т.Ю. Бочарова, М.И. Митягина, А.Я. Строчков Satellite monitoring of the aftereffects of a catastrophic oil spill in
the Kerch Strait | 409-420 |
| М.В. Лихачева, О.В. Копелевич, С.В. Шеберстов Sun glint correction of data from satellite scanner MODIS
with no ancillary information on wind speed | 421-428 |
| Л.С. Муктепавел, Т.А. Шатилина Some regularities of the forming of extremely low-ice winters in
the Okhotsk Sea | 429-441 |
| В.Б. Пиотух, А.Г. Зацепин, А.С. Казьмин, В.Г. Якубенко, С.В. Станичный, Ю.Б. Ратнер Impact of the winter atmospheric forcing on the variability of the
active layers thermohaline structure in the Вlack Sea | 442-450 |
| К.А. Рогачев, Е.В. Фомин, Н.В. Шлык Anticyclonic circulation in Academy Bay, Sea of Okhotsk determined
from satellite data | 451-455 |
| Е.В. Самко, Н.В. Булатов, А.В. Капшитер Eddies in the southern Okhotsk Sea | 456-464 |
| Е.И. Скворцов, М.Д. Раев, М.Г. Булатов, Е.А. Шарков, В.А. Силкин Remote Sounding of Congestions of a Phytoplankton
on a Sea Surface in a Microwave range. Preliminary Results | 465-469 |
| В.Е. Скляров Dust storms and upwelling in the Aral Sea | 470-476 |
| Д.К. Старицын Trial localization of dynamical/thermal fronts in the Japan and
Okhotsk Seas by satellite altimeter data | 477-483 |
| О.О. Трусенкова Comparison of variability modes of satellite and simulated
temperature at the Japan Sea surface | 484-492 |
| С.С. Каримова Mesoscale eddies in the Northeastern Black Sea: combined analysis
of satellite and in situ data | 493-499 |