Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2009. Issue.6. Vol.1. P. 71-80
Use experience in applying GRID-technologies to data processing
system of Satellite Center FEBRAS
П.В. Бабяк
, Г.В. Тарасов
Институт автоматики и процессов управления ДВО РАН, 690041 Владивосток, Радио 5
In the article principles of integration massive parallel computing resources into satellite data
processing system based on GRID-technologies are considered. On example of different resources of two
Joint Centers (JC) FEB RAS the distributed GRID-network is constructed for carrying out calcaulations
of dominant oriantation of thermal contrasts (DOTC). Experimental calculations have shown multuiple
speedup in data processing that is especially actual in the round-the-clock monitoring conditions. The
received successfule experience allows to use constrcuted GRID-network for various massive processing
tasks, not just DOTC fields calculations.
Keywords: GRID-computing, parallel computing, distributed systems, DOTC
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