Satellite data processing: methods and techniques |
| E.A. Mamash, I.A. Pestunov, S.Ya. Kudryashova, A.S. Chumbaev Validation of land surface temperature values calculated from TIRS/Landsat-8 radiometer data and their use for temperature regime analysis of irrigated and post-irrigated soils of Chui intermountain basin (Altai Republic) | 9-25 |
| I.N. Sadovsky, D.S. Sazonov Selection of potential polygons for absolute calibration of the Russian scanner/sounder MTVZA-GYa | 26-39 |
Remote sensing in geology and geophysics |
| L.N. Zakharova, A.I. Zakharov, A.L. Strom Development of slope processes in the vicinity of the Sarez Lake dam in 2023 as viewed by spaceborne SAR interferometry | 43-55 |
| L.G. Sverdlik Pre-seismic disturbances of meteorological parameters in the lower atmosphere based on satellite measurements | 56-68 |
| E.I. Smolyaninova, V.O. Mikhailov Monitoring of landslide activity in the Big Sochi region using InSAR for the period 2015–2024 | 69-78 |
Remote sensing of vegetation and soils |
| L.V. Illarionova, A.S. Stepanov, K.N. Dubrovin, E.A. Fomina, A.A. Sorokin, A.L. Verkhoturov, V.A. Eliseev Experience of using data from the Meteor-M No. 2 KMSS sensor for cropland monitoring in the south of Khabarovsk Krai | 81-92 |
| O.A. Mitrofanova, E.P. Mitrofanov, V.M. Bure Analysis of hyperspectral remote sensing data and wheat yield for the forecasting task | 93-105 |
| N.D. Yakimov, E.I. Ponomarev, A.N. Zabrodin, T.V. Pnomareva The features of post-fire dynamics of spectral characteristics of larch stands in the permafrost zone of Siberia | 106-115 |
| T.A. Mylnikova, A.Yu. Borovlev, V.V. Elsakov, V.M. Shchanov Formation of a spatial database of tree species distribution at Lyalsky test site (Komi Republic) based on UAV data | 116-130 |
| S.G. Kornienko Analysis of informativeness of the temperature-vegetation index in solving the tasks of monitoring moisture content of tundra ground cover (on the example of Bovanenkovo field polygon, Yamal Peninsula) | 131-147 |
| V.V. Elsakov Analysis of convergence of different spatial resolution time series of satellite imagery of Bolshezemelskaya tundra | 148-161 |
Remote sensing of water objects, ocean and ice cover |
| E.V. Zabolotskikh, K.I. Yarusov, I.M. Lazareva, O.I. Lyash, G.S. Shelegov Exploring satellite microwave radiometer data to determine the dates of freezing and melting for inland water bodies using as an example Verkhnetulomskoye Reservoir in Murmansk Region | 165-177 |
| Yu.A. Titchenko, D.A. Kovaldov, V.Yu. Karaev, V.P. Lopatin, V.F. Fateev Modeling of Doppler spectrum of signal reflected by sea ice cover in bistatic measurement scheme in L- and Ku-bands | 178-191 |
| I.V. Kovalyova, V.V. Suslin Assessment of long-term changes in phytoplankton productivity indicators in the shelf zone of the northern and northeastern Black Sea using satellite data | 192-204 |
| O.A. Danilicheva, S.A. Ermakov, G.V. Leshchev Observations of plastic debris localization in windrows on the water surface | 205-211 |
| E.V. Krayushkin Temporal features of submesoscale eddy manifestations in the coastal zone of Kaliningrad Region, according to the results of satellite monitoring in 2014–2024 | 212-220 |
| V.A. Melnikov Hydrophysical processes in the vicinity of Ampère Seamount based on in situ measurements and satellite data | 221-234 |
| A.V. Medvedeva, S.V. Stanichny Study of Marmara Sea upwellings in cold season using remote sensing data | 235-243 |
| N.A. Knyazev, P.D. Zhadanova Comparison of results of turbidity and suspended matter concentration fields determination for the Mzymta, Sulak and Terek rivers based on satellite data and in situ measurements | 244-258 |
| V.A. Kazantsev, G.S. Bordonskiy Assessment of the effect of ice “bleaching” near 0 °C on brightness temperature of snow and ice covers at long centimeter wavelengths | 259-267 |
| S.S. Shinkarenko, S.A. Bartalev, E.A. Loupian Satellite monitoring of the flood in the Ural River basin in 2024 | 268-282 |
Remote sensing of atmosphere and climate |
| A.E. Morozova, O.S. Sizov, M.A. Mironova Remote assessment of atmospheric air quality within Russia’s largest oil and gas fields (2019–2023) | 285-300 |
Remote sensing of planets of the Solar System |
| V.A. Grishin, E.V. Belinskaya, P.S. Smetanin Increasing the accuracy of optical navigation measurements in the vicinity of the Moon and other bodies of the Solar System | 303-311 |
In brief |
| I.A. Barsukov, L.M. Mitnik, V.V. Boldyrev, V.P. Kuleshov, S.A. Grishunin, G.E. Evseev, M.L. Mitnik, A.V. Baranyuk, A.M. Sreltsov Meteorological satellite Meteor-M No. 2-3: Preliminary results of microwave sensing of the Earth | 315-326 |
| O.Yu. Lavrova, E.A. Loupian, A.G. Kostianoy Satellite monitoring of the fuel oil spill in the Kerch Strait area on December 15, 2024: Preliminary results | 327-335 |
| D.M. Ermakov, E.A. Loupian All-Russia Seminar “Problems in Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space”: Results of 2024 meetings | 336-342 |
| Imprint page
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