Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2025, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 268-282
Satellite monitoring of the flood in the Ural River basin in 2024
S.S. Shinkarenko
1 , S.A. Bartalev
1 , E.A. Loupian
1 1 Space Research Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia
Accepted: 06.02.2025
DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2025-22-1-268-282
In spring 2024, the floodwaters of the Ural River were characterized by exceptionally high levels, resulting in partial inundation of several cities, including Orsk and Orenburg in Russia, as well as Uralsk in Kazakhstan. The prerequisites for this significant flooding included substantial snowpack, deep soil frost, increased soil moisture, and a sharp warming trend at the end of March following relatively low air temperatures in February and the first half of March. Moderate-resolution satellite data from MODIS enabled the tracking of the flood wave along the Ural River from its upper reaches to its mouth, as well as on its major tributaries — namely, the Big Kumak, Or’, Sakmara, Ilek, Utva, Kindelya, Irtek, and Chagan rivers. This report presents daily floodplain areas and durations of inundation for the Ural River and its tributaries. The area and travel time estimates for the flood wave derived from MODIS data align closely with observations from hydrological stations regarding water levels. The flooding in the upper and middle reaches of the Ural River developed quite rapidly; notably, the initial overflow onto the floodplain was recorded in the southern left tributaries of the Ural, where snowmelt commenced earlier due to latitudinal characteristics compared to the northern right tributaries. Due to an atypically high volume of precipitation during the summer of 2024, elevated water levels on the Ural River were observed until September; however, floodplain inundation during this period was only recorded in the lower reaches of the river. The methodologies employed for mapping the first and last dates of water surface observation on the floodplain, along with subsequent assessments of flood duration and travel time of the flood wave, may be recommended for use in specialized hydrological monitoring systems utilizing remote sensing data.
Keywords: remote sensing, flood, floodplain, Ural River, inundation, monitoring
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