Satellite data processing |
| V.I. Agoshkov, E.I. Parmuzin, S.A. Lebedev Numerical algorithms for solving the variational data assimilation
problem using on-line sea surface temperature data
in the World Ocean | 9-20 |
| A.I. Alexanin, A.S. Eremenko Automatic calculation of the parameters of the spiral curvatures for
tropical cyclone and estimation cyclone dynamic characteristics on
satellite imagery | 21-26 |
| G. P. Arumov, A. V. Bukharin Halo Angular Size Defined by Means of Boundary Diffraction Wave
as Response of the Inhomogeneiteis Size Distribution | 27-33 |
| I.V. Balashov, V.Yu. Efremov, A.A. Mazurov, A.S. Mamaev, A.M. Matveev, A.A. Proshin Control over distributed satellite data collection, processing
and dissemination systems operation | 34-41 |
| B.M. Balter, V.V. Egorov, A.P. Kalinin, I.P. Rodionova, M.V. Stalnaya Using multyparticle Kalman filter and PROSAIL vegetation model
for remote hyperspectral sensing data processing | 42-50 |
| S. Blazhevich, V. Vintaev, N. Ushakova Method of operation distribution in a distributed computing
nvironment for construction of durable onboard linear
conversion processor of remote probing data flows | 51-55 |
| A.S. Bodrov, V.M. Haltobin Automatic system of recognition small objects with usage
of simple and complex features | 56-63 |
| M.A. Bourtsev, K.S. Emelyanov, V.Y. Efremov, E.A. Lupyan, A.A. Mazurov, L.A. Pakhomov, A.A. Proshin, V.P. Savorsky Development of the information system for remote use
of data catalogues of Research Center for
Earth Operative Monitoring (NTs OMZ) | 64-71 |
| A.G. Grankov, A.A. Mil`shin, Je.P. Novichikhin, N.K. Shelobanova Algorithm of retrieving the vertical distribution of the atmosphere
temperature and humidity and some results of its use for the tropical
cyclone Katrina as the example | 72-78 |
| V. A. Grishin, E. V. Belinskaya Analysis of spacecraft dynamics effects on the characteristics
of image processing in computer vision system in monocular mode | 79-86 |
| M.Y. Dostovalov, R.V. Ermakov, T.G. Moussiniants Comparison of Polarimetric Classification Results Using
ALOS PALSAR Data | 87-96 |
| V. Egorov, S. Bartalev, M. Bourtsev, V. Efremov, E. Loupian, A. Mazurov, A. Matveev Streaming technology correlation georeferencing
of satellite images of high spatial resolution | 97-103 |
| N.B. Zakharova, S.A. Lebedev Interpolation of on-line data of the ARGO buoy system for data assimilation
in the World ocean circulation model | 104-111 |
| A.A. Ilyin, V.V. Egorov, A.P. Kalinin, I.D. Rodionov Using the neural network algorithm for determination
of qualitative features of remote sensed Earth surface
on the base of multispectral and radar data | 112-117 |
| L.M. Kitaev The analysis of snow storage character
with the satellite information using | 118-124 |
| В.А. Козеев, Д.В. Козеев Неправомерность формул теории Ми
при малых параметрах дифракции | 125-133 |
| V.V. Kozoderov, E.V. Dmitriev Multispectral and hyperspectral airspace imagery processing:
information and applied aspects | 134-141 |
| P.S. Lineva, O.V. Anisimova Receiving and handling of remote sounding data to solve
geoecological problems on the example of Southwest Crimea | 142-146 |
| M.A. Lobanova, A.V. Vasilyev, I.N. Melnikova The phase function asymmetry parameter dependence
on scattering media properties | 147-157 |
| L.B. Neronskiy, V.S. Verba, S.G. Lihansky, I.G. Osipov, S. N. Pushchinskiy, V.E. Turuk Generation of Object Point Models by SAR Complex Images | 158-164 |
| T.A. Sushkevich, S.A. Strelkov, S.V. Maksakova Global radiation field of Earth, radiation forcing
and supercomputing | 165-175 |
| T.A. Sushkevich, S.A. Strelkov, S.V. Maksakova, V.V. Kozoderov, B.A. Fomin Nanodiagnostics of natural and anthropogenic media
and supercomputing | 176-186 |
Using satellite data in monitoring systems |
| A.A. Budishchev, V.S. Solovyev Variations of aerosol optical thickness of atmosphere
and pyrogenic events in central Yakutia on satellite data | 189-193 |
| A.E. Kobelev, E.D. Vyazilov The modern approaches to metadata development | 194-203 |
| A.V. Kukharsky, A.B. Uspensky Monitoring of carbon dioxide mean tropospheric concentration
over Siberian ecosystems from satellite-based
high-resolution infrared sounders data | 204-211 |
| Alexey N. Plate Providing with information of ecological studying
of territories on the basis of space materials | 212-217 |
| V.S. Solovyev, V.I. Kozlov, R.R. Karimov, M.S. Vasiliev Simultaneous monitoring of thunderstorm activity and forest fires
on data of ground-base and remote sensing observations | 218-222 |
Development and application of satellite monitoring systems of the environment |
| N.A. Knyazev, A.M. Antohin, S.A. Vtyurin, Yu.A. Palatov The task of determining from the space clouds of physiologically
active substances in the atmospheric surface layer | 225-231 |
| V.D. Kuznetsov, D.V. Lisin Possibilities of usage of IZMIRAN ground station for telemetry
and control of geophysical monitoring satellites | 232-234 |
| E.P. Minakov Forecast method of spacecraft movement according
to navigating system GLONASS data by means
of the decision of Euler-Lamberta task | 235-239 |
| D.О. Monakhov, U.M. Golovin Accelerated relyability testing of spaceborne
FTIR spectrometer IRFS-2 | 240-248 |
| Yu.A. Palatov, A.M. Antohin, S.A. Vtyurin, V.I. Kazancev, N.A. .Knyazev Side-looking radar for environmental monitoring from space | 249-253 |
| I.D. Zolnikov, N.V. Glushkova, V.A. Lyamina, E.N. Smolentceva, A.Yu. Korolyuk Using GIS and RS for mapping og geology-geomorphological objects
of Chuya hollow by space images of middle resolution | 257-265 |
| Yu.P. Tsvetkov, O.M. Brekhov, E.M. Teymenson, N.S. Nikolaev, A.V. Krapivny, A.V. Pchelkin Disturbances of the position of measuring base of the aerostat
gradiometer during a drift of the stratospheric balloon | 266-273 |
| V.N. Tsymbal, S.Ye. Yatsevich, V.B. Yefimov, A.S. Kurekin, A.Ya. Matveev, A.S. Gavrilenko, D.M. Bychkov Application of radiophysical methods and facilities
for the remote sensing of subsuperficial objects from the SLAR
of airplane-laboratory | 274-284 |
Remote sensing of atmosphere and climate |
| G.A. Kim, E.A. Sharkov, I.V. Pokrovskaya Features of the Interaction between Tropical Cyclones
Hondo and Ivan in the Water Vapor Fields | 287-295 |
| M.A. Lobanova,, A.V. Savin Efficiency estimation of laser-light scattering
by aircraft vortex wake | 296-303 |
| B.S. Mayorov, A.V. Vasilyev, J.-P. Bibring Characteristics of Martian atmosphere aerosol for various local times,
latitudes, and seasons from the data of OMEGA spectrometer
of Mars-Express European mission | 304-309 |
| V.А. Тatartchenko The nature of specific sources of infrared radiation recorded
by satellites | 310-318 |
| Е.А. Лупян, О.Ю. Лаврова, С.А. Барталев, Г.А. Аванесов, Е.А. Шарков, О. Закутная «Дни космической науки 2010» -
дистанционное зондирование Земли | 319-328 |
| А.А. Петров, Б.Б. Иванов, В.В. Сидоров Title in English | 329-333 |