ISSN 2070-7401 (Print), ISSN 2411-0280 (Online)
Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa


Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2010, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 176-186

Nanodiagnostics of natural and anthropogenic media and supercomputing

T.A. Sushkevich , S.A. Strelkov , S.V. Maksakova , V.V. Kozoderov , B.A. Fomin 
Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of RAS, 125047 Moscow, 4 Miusskaya sg
A new scientific direction is elaborated connected with modeling scenarios of development of anthropogenic accidents
and natural disasters for perspective projecting of the updated operative space-borne systems and high spectral
and spatial resolution remote sensing. The Centers of USA (NASA), Japan, India, China, Germany, European Space
Agency and Japan create the powerful high-productive multiprocessor computer systems, which need new mathematical
software to solve direct and inverse problems of radiation transfer theory, for the interests of international cooperation
on airspace global monitoring of the Earth as well as on an international global project concerning studying of the
evolution of the Earth, climate and natural phenomena using data bases of space-borne information.
Original universal mathematical tools are developed by the authors for radiation transfer modeling taking into account
multiple scattering and absorption in multi-layer in-homogenous heterogeneous natural and artificial systems
with different radiation regimes in separate areas of the system. The atmospheric channel considered as an element
of the optical system of radiation transfer and as the optical transfer operator that is laid down on the basis of remote
sensing system theory is formulated using a mathematical tool of the generalized solutions theory, parametric series
of the regular perturbations theory, non-linear functionals, linear systems approach and superposition integral. The
approach is based on construction of generalized solutions of general boundary-value problems for the radiation
transfer equation in the form of linear vector functionals, which kernels are vectors of the influence functions of
separate layers of the system. This approach is related to the class of techniques which are called "domain decomposition"
with parallel calculations on sub-areas of the system.
Space monitoring of characteristics of outgoing radiation and the Earth radiation budget is an important element of
global tracking the current state of the climate system and biosphere as well as a basic information resource for nanodiagnostics
and forecast of the systems change and of the catastrophic phenomena.
Keywords: radiation transfer, mathematical modeling, transfer operator, aero-space remote sensing, nanodiagnostics, natural and anthropogenic media, supercomputing
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