Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2025, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 221-234
Hydrophysical processes in the vicinity of Ampère Seamount based on in situ measurements and satellite data
1 P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS, Moscow, Russia
Accepted: 03.12.2024
DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2025-22-1-221-234
A description of multiscale hydrodynamic processes developing in the waters near of the Ampère Seamount in the Northeastern Atlantic is given. Interpretations are based on the joint analysis of hydrophysical measurements carried out in January – February, 1985, during the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS expedition on board the research vessel Rift (5th cruise) and up-to-date satellite data. During the expedition, hydrological sections using a towed CTD (Conductivity, Temperature, Depth) probe, hydrological measurements at the vessel’s anchorage at the Ampère Bank, and measurements of currents at a buoy station were made. Materials of some other expeditions that took place in the Ampère Bank aquatorium were also considered. Satellite data arrays on sea surface temperature (Pathfinder Sea Surface Temperature (SST)); long term sea-level and geostrophic velocity series of Archiving, Validation and Interpretation of Satellite Oceanographic data (AVISO), Sea Surface Height (SSH) Products; World bank of hydrological stations World Ocean Database 2013 (WOD 13) data; and Earth TOPOgraphy (ETOPO) 2022 global bottom relief model dataset with 15 arcseconds resolution were used in the analysis of hydrophysical processes. It is shown that complex hydrological fields in the vicinity of the Ampère Seamount are caused by multiscale hydrophysical processes in the region of the eastern branch of the Azores Current. On the ocean surface, a large-scale drift with a speed of ~5.54±0.05 cm/s, mostly eastward, is observed. In the field of mixing of subtropical waters and waters of temperate latitudes, meanders and eddies of various shapes and sizes develop. The kinetic energy density of geostrophic flows averages 87±1 erg/cm3. Sporadically, for an unexplained reason, there are “flashes” of currents in which the energy increases by almost an order of magnitude (to 610 erg/cm3). Three groups of cyclic fluctuations of currents are distinguished: perennial, annual, and intra-annual, as well as the chaotic background component of the oscillations. There is a significant intermittency in power and frequency of all of these components. According to contact measurements, the following phenomena have been observed in the subsynoptic interval of scales: a local front with a flow along it; dipole eddies ~15–30 km in size; wave-like structures with a wavelength of ~12–8 km in the southern sector of the mountain; a mosaic density over the mountain with a spot scale of the order of the size of the bank (~10–12 km); as well as temperature jumps over the bank. The following scheme of hydrophysical processes in the vicinity of the Ampère Seamount is proposed. In winter season, as a result of supposedly meteorological influence, a local front can (rarely) form, giving rise to an average current of ~30 cm/s to the south. Downstream the bank, lee internal waves with a limited length that is close to the scale of inertial oscillation swept away by the flow arise. Dipole subsynoptic vortices occur due to frontal instability. Tidal currents cause frontal boundary displacements, which manifest themselves as large temperature semi-diurnal fluctuations. Directly over the bank, colder deep waters are transported by tidal currents along the mount slopes to its top. As a result, a specific mosaic field is formed and temperature jumps followed by high-frequency (~20 min) oscillations are observed.
Keywords: Ampère Seamount, Azores Current, satellite data, hydrological front, tidal currents, temperature jumps, 20-minute oscillation packets, internal lee waves
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