Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2025, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 165-177
Exploring satellite microwave radiometer data to determine the dates of freezing and melting for inland water bodies using as an example Verkhnetulomskoye Reservoir in Murmansk Region
E.V. Zabolotskikh
1, 2 , K.I. Yarusov
1 , I.M. Lazareva
2 , O.I. Lyash
2 , G.S. Shelegov
3, 2 1 Russian State Hydrometeorological University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
2 Murmansk Arctic University, Murmansk, Russia
3 EMERCOM Main Office for Murmansk Region, Murmansk, Russia
Accepted: 18.10.2024
DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2025-22-1-165-177
The paper proposes a method for determination of the dates of freezing and melting of inland water bodies based on polarization measurements of satellite microwave radiometers at a frequency of ~90 GHz. Using the Verkhnetulomskoye Reservoir in Murmansk Region as an example and measurements of the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) satellite microwave radiometer, it is shown that analysis of time series of the AMSR2 polarization measurements at a frequency of 89 GHz makes it possible to determine the dates of ice melting and ice freezing start and finish for reservoirs with scales exceeding 100 km2. The AMSR2 measurements of the polarization difference (PD) of brightness temperatures of microwave radiation over the reservoir were analyzed for the period of January 2020 – July 2024. The results of the PD analysis have shown that the PD average values and variability in winter (December – May) are approximately 3 times lower than in summer (June – November). These differences, together with a priori information on ice phenomena, have allowed to propose a method for semi-automatic determination of ice melting and ice freezing start and finish dates for the reservoir. The functionality of the method has been tested using hydrometeorological service reports on the state of water bodies in Murmansk Region and Sentinel-1 SAR images. The use of remote sensing data procures compilation of a spatially distributed map of ice condition at the reservoir to provide Murmansk hydrometeorological services information on ice phenomena at the reservoir. It is a significantly less expensive and more accurate alternative to using hydrometeorological station data.
Keywords: satellite data, ice of inland water bodies, Murmansk Region, time series, AMSR2
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