Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2009. Issue.6. Vol.1. P. 174-180
Emergency situations surveying technique and large scale image
map construction according to the data from AMS-ES
А.А. Казак
, Л.В. Катковский
, Н.А. Кейдо
, Т.М. Курикина
, А.В. Роговец
, С.В. Хвалей
НИИ прикладных физических проблем им. А.Н. Севченко Белгосуниверситета, ул. Курчатова, 7, 220180, Минск, Беларусь
Describes airborne surveying technique using Aviation Monitoring System of Emergency Situations
(AMS-ES). Considers multispectral image stitching methods and thematic processing algorithms.
Suggests large scale image map construction technique. Presents the examples of AMS-ES IR-survey
data usage.
Keywords: airborne survey, emergency situations monitoring, image stitching, image classification, image map
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