Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2009. Issue.6. Vol.1. P. 15-21
About scientific program of space experiments in the course of
exploitation of the space apparatus MKA-PN1
Н.А. Арманд
, Ю.Г. Тищенко
, В.П. Саворский
, М.Т. Смирнов
Фрязинский филиал Института радиотехники и электроники
им. В.А. Котельникова РАН, 141190 Московская обл., г. Фрязино, площадь им. академика Б.А. Введенского, д. 1
Scientific program of space experiments in the course of exploitation of the space apparatus MKAPN1
was developed in the IRE RAS on base of both suggestions of some Russian institutions and
experience acquired in the course of formation of scientific programs Priroda, Okean-O №1, etc. The
main purposes of the program are following: development of radiophysical methods of remote sensing in
decimetric range for studying physical processes and phenomena in the system atmosphere - land
surface, investigation of the influence of external factors such as galactic background, ionosphere
parameters, etc. on the characteristics being measured, examination of noise circumstances, development
of methods for combined processing of data with different space resolution.
Keywords: space experiment, MKA-PN1, decimetric range, system atmosphere - land surface
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