Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2009. Issue.6. Vol.1. P. 227-233
Conceptual model objectification of the remote sensing information
Институт радиотехники и электроники им. В.А.Котельникова РАН, Фрязинский филиал, 141190 Фрязино, Московской обл., пл. Введенского, 1
In the paper results of construction of the remote sensing data model forming a basis for an
information system (IS) architecture intended for basic researches of the Earth by remote sensing are
presented. The data model was constructed with using an approach providing the formation of objective
requirements to an information system. The basis of the approach being suggested consists in analysis of
the remote sensing method as a system-forming category of an information system being under
construction. As a result of such an analysis was shown the possibility to highlight on the objective
grounds basic information objects and their model interrelations and the structured conceptual data
model of remote sensing IS was constructed.
Keywords: remote sensing, information system
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