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ISSN 2070-7401 (Print), ISSN 2411-0280 (Online)
Современные проблемы дистанционного зондирования Земли из космоса
физические основы, методы и технологии мониторинга окружающей среды, потенциально опасных явлений
и объектов



Satellite data processing: methods and techniques
A.I. Aleksanin, M.G. Aleksanina, A.Y. Karnatsky
Calculated index of the compacting of sea ice cover from satellite images
A.I. Andreev, N.I. Pererva, M.O. Kuchma
Development of precipitation nowcasting method using geostationary satellite data
Using satellite data in monitoring systems: methods and technologies
O.A. Dubrovskaya, A.A. Kostornaya, I.A. Solovyeva, I.A. Martynova, I.V. Rublev, A.E. Voronova
Analysis of the meteorological situation during period of forest fires and smoke-blanketing monitoring in Siberia in 2019
L.V. Katkovsky, B.I. Beliaev, M.Y. Beliaev, A.M. Esakov, D.A. Ivanov, A.O. Martinov, V.O. Siliuk, E.E. Sarmin
Method and results of comparing multilevel spectral reflectance measurements of various Earth surfaces
A.M. Matveev, M.N. Zhizhin, A.A. Poyda
Variations in gas flaring in Russia observed using multispectral nighttime remote sensing
E.I. Ponomarev, K.Y. Litvintsev, T.V. Ponomareva, E.G. Shvetsov, N.D. Yakimov
Satellite monitoring of the wildfire in Siberia and fire emissions estimation
A.A. Proshin, M.A. Burtsev, I.V. Balashov, E.A. Loupian, M.V. Radchenko, I.G. Sychugov
“IKI-Monitoring” shared use center support and development — possible solutions
A.A. Proshin, A.M. Matveev, A.V. Kashnitskiy, M.A. Burtsev
Satellite data efficient processing with dynamic block archive access
Remote sensing of atmosphere and climate
M.G. Aleksanina, A.S. Eremenko, S.E. Dyakov, A.V. Kazansky, V.A. Levin
The study of atmospheric vortex streets over the North-West Pacific from meteorological satellite imagery
A.M. Chukharev, O.I. Pavlenko
Identification of large turbulent structures from simultaneous field and satellite measurements
O.G. Khutorova, V.N. Khutorov
Some regularities of atmospheric mesoscale variations obtained from satellite navigation system remote sensing
A.F. Nerushev, K.N. Visheratin, R.V. Ivangorodsry
Turbulence in the upper troposphere according to long-term satellite measurements and its relationship with climatic parameters
Remote sensing of ocean and ice cover
G.S. Bordonskiy, A.A. Gurulev, A.O. Orlov, S.V. Tsyrenzhapov
Search for plastic flow autowaves in ice by radio brightness temperature
O.A. Danilicheva, S.A. Ermakov, I.A. Kapustin
Retrieval of surface currents from sequential satellite radar images
S.A. Ermakov, O.A. Danilicheva, I.A. Kapustin, G.V. Leschev, A.A. Molkov
Deformation of film slicks on the water surface. Experiment and model
S.A. Lebedev, A.G. Kostianoy
Investigation of seasonal and interannual variability of water exchange through the Middle Caspian based on satellite altimetry
I.A. Sergievskaya, S.A. Ermakov, A.V. Ermoshkin, I.A. Kapustin, O.V. Shomina
Field studies of non-Bragg component variations of X-band radar return in the presence of surfactant films and intense long waves
M.V. Smirnova, I.A. Kapustin, A.V. Ermoshkin
Investigation of the possibility of remote detection of gas outlets in the sea using X-band radar
A.N. Serebryany, O.G. Konstantinov
New data on internal waves on the sea shelf based on combined monitoring with a panoramic camera and ADCP
Remote sensing of vegetation and soils
E.L. Muzylev, Z.P. Startseva, E.V. Volkova, E.V. Vasilenko
Utilizing satellite data of several spectral ranges for modelling the processes of water and heat regime formation of vast territories
Remote sensing of ionosphere
V.B. Belakhovsky, Y. Jin, W. Miloch
Influence of the substorm precipitation and polar cap patches on GPS signals at high latitudes
M.A. Chernigovskaya, B.G. Shpynev, A.S. Yasyukevich, D.S. Khabituev
Ionospheric longitudinal variability in the Northern Hemisphere during magnetic storm from the GPS/GLONASS data
S.A. Kalashnikova, E.S. Andreeva, A.M. Padokhin
Accounting for O2 absorption in ionospheric UV volume emission rate tomography
I.V. Medvedeva, K.G. Ratovsky
Manifestation of wave activity in the upper atmosphere during winter sudden stratospheric warmings
A.V. Timchenko, F.S. Bessarab, M.V. Klimenko, V.V. Klimenko, E.V. Rozanov, T.V. Sukhodolov, O.P. Borchevkina, Y.N. Korenkov, N.A. Korenkova, K.G. Ratovsky
Variability of the global electron content during the major sudden stratospheric warmings in January 2009
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