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ISSN 2070-7401 (Print), ISSN 2411-0280 (Online)
Современные проблемы дистанционного зондирования Земли из космоса
физические основы, методы и технологии мониторинга окружающей среды, потенциально опасных явлений
и объектов


Современные проблемы дистанционного зондирования Земли из космоса. 2020. Т. 17. № 6. С. 11-17

Calculated index of the compacting of sea ice cover from satellite images

A.I. Aleksanin 1 , M.G. Aleksanina 1 , A.Y. Karnatsky 1 
1 Institute of Automation and Control Processes FEB RAS, Vladivostok, Russia
Одобрена к печати: 15.09.2020
DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2020-17-6-11-17
This paper describes a new method of automatic calculation of local indices of the compacting and divergence of sea ice cover. The proposed approach is based on the calculation of ice drift velocities. The local index of the compacting and divergence of sea ice cover is considered as the rate of change in the distance between individual elements of the sea ice cover. The local index of compacting and divergence is determined by two parameters: the scalar value of compacting/divergence and the direction of the axis of compacting/divergence. This approach allows the estimation of the accuracy and statistical significance of the calculated parameters. It was shown that the proposed approach results correspond to visually observed parameters of compacting and divergence.
Ключевые слова: satellite images, ice drift, sea ice cover, compacting index, direction of compacting axis
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