ISSN 2070-7401 (Print), ISSN 2411-0280 (Online)
Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa


Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2019, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 75-83

Experience of digital elevation modeling for the identification of inheritance of foundation structures in modern relief of the northern part of Russian Plate

E.V. Polyakova 1 , Yu.G. Kutinov 1, 2 , Z.B. Chistova 1 , A.L. Mineev 1 
1 N.P. Laverov Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research RAS, Arkhangelsk, Russia
2 Space Monitoring Center of the Arctic NARFU, Arkhangelsk, Russia
Accepted: 13.03.2019
DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2019-16-2-75-83
There is an opinion that the formed relief of the north of the East European Platform is quite young and does not reflect its tectonic structure. However, the fundamentally new position that the East European Platform, as a single structure of the first kind, is not tectonically passive, but rather mobile, especially in its marginal parts, necessitates taking into account structural and tectonic factors when analyzing the appearance of the modern relief. Ambiguous, but the existing connection of surface processes with deep processes makes us study more closely and use the results of regional in-depth studies. This article assessed the nature of the inheritance of basement structures in the modern relief of the North of the Russian Plate. The possibility of applying digital elevation modeling in structural and geological studies is shown. Based on the comparison of the digital model of the relief of the foundation and the digital model of the surface, the forms of the manifestation of the structures of the foundation in the modern relief of the Arkhangelsk region are highlighted. 61 % of the territory has the direct character of inheritance, the reverse ― 25 %, areas where the inheritance does not manifest, correspond to 14 % of the territory of the region. In addition, it was found that the manifestation of kimberlite magmatism and areas of likely localization of oil and gas fields are confined to increases on the surface and correspond to the direct forms of reflection of the basement structures in the modern relief, which are more protruding to the “high-high” type. The results are preliminary and require further detailed study.
Keywords: northern part of Russian plate, digital elevation model, foundation structures, direct and reverse forms of inheritance
Full text


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