Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2011, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 200-208
On Planetary Nature of El Niño Events in
the Earth's Climatic System
V.I. Byshev
, V.G. Neiman
, Ju.A. Romanov
, I.V. Serykh
P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanologig, 117997 Moscow, Nakhimovsky prosp., 36
El-Niño signal was considered in the Indian Ocean region on a background of secular data banks of the sea level atmospheric pressure and near - surface temperature. This signal shows itself in the area in a form of specific anomalies within hydro-physical fields of the ocean as well as meteorological parameters of atmosphere. The anomalies are the most visible during the inter-monsoonal seasons when a monsoon signal is weak and unstable. Also some hints were found concerning of that the field reconstruction by El Niño impact may be started over the northern part of Indian Ocean in a phase advance compared with Pacific Ocean climatic system.
Principal concern is paid to sputnik observations for the Earth in the El Niño studying. Very informative satellite data on sea level, SST, bulk humidity, general cloudiness, long wave outgoing radiation and so on were taken into consideration for analysis along with traditional hydro-meteorological data sets.
The obtained results of analysis dedicated to disturbances in the global fields of ocean and atmosphere characteristics during El Niño showed that a physical mechanism of those natural events is of the planetary scale.
Keywords: El Niño, Southern Oscillation, La Niña, atmospheric pressure, temperature, wind speed, precipitation, circulation, anomaly, monsoon, spectra, fields, climate, currents, upwelling
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