Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2009, Issue 6, Vol. 2, pp. 380-387
Factors of regulation of the dry lands surface temperature using
global AVHRR-derived land climatology
Учреждение Российской академии наук «Институт географии РАН» (ИГ РАН), 119017 Москва, Старомонетный пер., 29
Global AVHRR-derived land climatology (monthly mean calibrated albedos and temperatures,
NDVI) have been used to investigate relations between albedo and surface temperature in North
Nearcaspian. Positive and negative correlation between albedo and surface temperature depending on
vegetation zones have been found. There was negative correlation (the radiation regulation) in desert
vegetation and there was positive correlation (the evapotranspiration regulation) in semi-desert
vegetation and steppe vegetation. Man-induced degradation of semi-desert vegetation accelerates the
radiation regulation. Threshold value for NDVI beyond which the evapotranspiration regulation switches
to the radiation one has been found.
Keywords: albedo, surface temperature, NDVI AVHRR, dry lands, radiation/evapotranspiration regulation
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