ISSN 2070-7401 (Print), ISSN 2411-0280 (Online)
Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa


Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2024, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 162-175

Climatic changes as factors of transformation in green phytomass stocks of the Arctic islands reindeer pastures

V.V. Elsakov 1 
1 Institute of Biology, Komi Science Centre UrB RAS, Syktyvkar, Russia
Accepted: 01.07.2024
DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2024-21-4-162-175
The MODIS imagery data (MOD13Q1) for the time period 2000–2022 were used to analyze changes in the gross aboveground biomass stocks of phytocenoses of the Novosibirsk Islands archipelago. The period observed by satellite imagery coincides with the beginning and expansion of the surface air temperature (SAT) growth phase. The mean annual SAT for the period of instrumental measurements at Kotelny Island varied from –17.4 °C in 1979 to –9.9 °C in 2020. To a greater extent, the growth of mean annual SAT temperatures was determined by the growth of negative rather than positive air temperatures. The transformation of green phytomass productivity between years on the islands of the archipelago is clearly demonstrated by the increase in the spectral index EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index). The changes are visualized by the IVCI (Integral Vegetation Condition Index) method. The beginning of observations was associated with the prevalence of low values (2000–2002), then a gradual increase in EVI values and amplitude variation developed. The transition to the area of values above average has been observed over the latest period (2018–2022). The model of green fodder stock calculation based on spectral values made it possible to estimate the distribution of green fodder on the islands of the archipelago and changes for the observation period. During 2000–2021, a general increase in the stocks of gross aboveground phytomass was observed on the islands of the archipelago: the maximum stock values were reached by the community of Bol. Lyakhovsky Island: an increase from 5.0–6.0 centner/ha to 8.0–9.0 centner/ha. The average stock of green phytomass for the observation period increased from 1.23 (Stolbovoy Island) to 2.06 (Novaya Sibiria Island) times. Changes in green fodder storage can be important for regulating the number and composition of animal population of the territory, changes in seasonal migration routes of wild reindeer, intensity of element migration.
Keywords: climatic influences, vegetation cover, MODIS satellite imagery, EVI, Novosibirsk Islands
Full text


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