Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2024, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 131-144
Potential possibilities for remote detection of fertility parameters of arable soils based on spectral reflectance of their surface and data on its temperature
E.Yu. Prudnikova
1 , I.Yu. Savin
1 1 V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Science Institute, Moscow, Russia
Accepted: 15.05.2024
DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2024-21-3-131-144
Remote assessment of the properties of arable soils is based on the relationship between these properties and soil spectral reflectance. The detection of fertility parameters of arable soils from remote data is complicated by the fact that not all of these parameters have a direct effect on soil spectral reflectance. The article discusses the information content of various sets of spectral parameters of optical and thermal ranges for detecting fertility parameters of arable soils on the example of a test field with leached chernozems located in Serebryano-Prudsky District of Moscow Region. At the same time, both the open surface of soils and crops were analyzed. The best models using the most common spectral indices and ratios calculated from optical data were obtained for organic matter (Rcv2 (cross-validated coefficient of determination) = 0.50, RPIQ (ratio of performance to interquartile distance) = 1.84) and the mass fraction of phosphorus compounds (Rcv2 = 0,49, RPIQ = 1.16). With the combined use of optical and thermal data, models of higher accuracy and predictive power were obtained in some cases. For the content of organic matter Rcv2 increased to 0.64, RPIQ to 2.23, for the mass fraction of phosphorus compounds Rcv2 increased to 0.53, RPIQ to 1.33. Using an additional set of parameters in the optical range, including 102 combinations, made it possible to obtain models for all analyzed properties with Rcv2 of the best models in the region of 0.72–0.87 and RPIQ in the region of 1.52–3.34. In addition, for a number of properties, it was possible to obtain reliable models with high predictive ability only after using an additional set of parameters. In general, the spectral reflectance of the open soil surface turned out to be more informative than the spectral reflectance of winter wheat crops at the germination stage.
Keywords: fertility parameters of arable soils, spectral reflectance, optical range, thermal range, Sentinel-2
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