ISSN 2070-7401 (Print), ISSN 2411-0280 (Online)
Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa


Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2022, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 147-163

Analysis of soil and climatic factors influence on the protective forest condition based on Sentinel-2 data

A.A. Vypritskiy 1 , S.S. Shinkarenko 2 
1 Federal Scientific Center of Agroecology, Complex Meliorations and Agroforestry RAS, Volgograd, Russia
2 Space Research Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia
Accepted: 18.10.2022
DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2022-19-5-147-163
State protective forest belts were created 50–70 years ago to prevent the degradation of agricultural landscapes, to improve microclimatic conditions, and to increase productivity and biodiversity. A total of 8 forest belts were planted during that period, five of them being located in the Volgograd region. This region is characterized by rather contrasting conditions: the soil cover changes from chernozems in the north of the region to light chestnut soils and alkali soils in the south and southeast. The precipitation norm is correspondingly reduced from 450 to 280 mm per year. The location of the Volgograd region in such diverse conditions makes it a sample region for analyzing the influence of soil and climatic factors on various components of agrolandscapes, including shelter forest plantations and state protective forest belts. The purpose of this study is to determine the extent of forest belt preservation in the Volgograd region and to determine the patterns of influence of climatic conditions and soil cover on it on the basis of Sentinel-2 NDVI data. Most of the forest belt studies apply natural methods, while the comprehensive monitoring of the belts within the region based on remote sensing materials has not been carried out. In the course of the research, 23.4 thousand ha of the forest belt project area were recorded, including 21.3 thousand ha of forest belt plots with a canopy density of more than 0.3. This value corresponds to the materials of official statistics. The deterioration of the state of plantings was confirmed as we moved south from the zone of chernozems to light chestnut soils. A strong interdependence was established between the forest belt preservation and hydrothermal conditions: for the average annual precipitation R = 0.79, for the average annual temperatures R = –0.69. The connection of forest belt preservation is approximated by a logistic function with R2 = 0.74. Under conditions when the precipitation norm is less than 400 mm per year, the forest belt preservation does not exceed 70 %. With a total precipitation of less than 360 mm per year, the plantations almost completely disintegrate. The obtained cartographic materials can be used for planning and optimization of forest engineering measures for the care and creation of new forest belts.
Keywords: protective afforestation, remote sensing, mapping, Volgograd region, tree and shrub vegetation, agroforestry
Full text


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