ISSN 2070-7401 (Print), ISSN 2411-0280 (Online)
Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa


Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2021, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 236-246

Vortices in the Western Large Aral Sea (satellite information)

A.I. Ginzburg 1 , A.G. Kostianoy 1, 2 , N.A. Sheremet 1 , D.M. Soloviev 3 
1 Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS, Moscow, Russia
2 Moscow Witte University, Moscow, Russia
3 Marine Hydrophysical Institute RAS, Sevastopol, Russia
Accepted: 11.08.2021
DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2021-18-4-236-246
The study of vortex dynamics in the modern western basin of the Large Aral Sea and its relationship with the wind direction was carried out using optical satellite images of Sentinel-2A MSI, Sentinel-2B MSI and Landsat-8 OLI with high spatial resolution (30–60 m) in the period October 11–18, 2020, with 2–3 days between images, and related wind speed and direction information. The wind speed over the water area in the period from October 11 to 18 did not exceed 4 m/s on average, and its direction from northeasterly/easterly on October 11–15 changed to southeasterly/southerly on October 16–18. The greatest eddy activity throughout the entire period was observed in the deepest and widest part of the western basin, approximately between latitudes 44° 58° and 45° 22° N. With the winds of the eastern directions, the dominant structure in this latitudinal belt was an anticyclonic eddy with a diameter of 5–7 km and attached cyclones of a smaller scale. The size of the vortex part of the dipole structure from this anticyclone and cyclone on its northwestern periphery was approximately 11 km (with a basin width of about 21 km at a latitude of 45° 10° N). Comparison of this dipole with the “model” circulation pattern in approximately the same coordinates (Izhitskiy et al., 2014) showed their qualitative similarity. With the change in the direction of the winds to the southerly, the vortex picture became noticeably more complicated: the largest and most pronounced against the background of a complex packing of vortices and vortex dipoles were cyclonic eddies up to 8 km in diameter. The question of the possible reasons for a more intense vortex pattern with a clear “drawing” of vortex structures on satellite images in October 2020 is discussed as compared to satellite images of the western basin of the early 2000s.
Keywords: shallowing of the Aral Sea, water circulation in the Western Large Aral Sea, vortices, vortex dipoles, cysts of the Aral Artemia, satellite data, optical imagery
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