ISSN 2070-7401 (Print), ISSN 2411-0280 (Online)
Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa


Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2021, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 11-18

Stream processing technology of high-resolution remote sensing data

V.V. Eremeev 1 , I.I. Zinina 2 , A.E. Kuznetsov 1 , G.N. Myatov 2 , V.I. Poshekhonov 1 , A.V. Filatov 2 , A.A. Yudakov 2 
1 Ryazan State Radio Engineering University named after V. F. Utkin, Ryazan, Russia
2 Space Rocket Centre “Progress”, Samara, Russia
Accepted: 09.11.2020
DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2021-18-1-11-18
The technology of automatic processing of data from the Resurs-P, Resurs-PM and Aist-2T satellite series providing output information products with high measuring properties is considered. One of the key elements of this technology is monitoring the satellite’s measuring systems and timely geometric and radiometric calibrations of the equipment. Decision on the need to adjust the camera mount angles is based on the mutual discrepancies of the star trackers measurements. An example is given that confirms the efficiency of the proposed approach. Two algorithms for the relative radiometric calibration of the camera are considered, based on image acquisition of the earth’s surface areas that are uniform in brightness. It is noted that the cost of calibration is reduced if the image acquisition is carried out in the side-slither mode. The scheme of interaction of the processing, calibration and acquisition planning software is considered, which ensures timely calibration and the use of its results in the formation of output information products. To avoid dependence on foreign cartographic services, in case of abnormal operation of the satellite’s measuring systems, the stream processing technology provides for the formation of a reference points database. The features of the automatic technology of processing of information from the Resurs-P No. 1 satellite, the measuring information of which is characterized by low accuracy, are considered. The technology involves correction of gross geolocation errors up to 10 km using images from the Landsat-8 satellite, followed by high-precision image georeferencing with 10 m RMSE using reference points database.
Keywords: automatic processing, geometric and radiometric calibrations, star trackers, georeferencing, Resurs-P No. 1 satellite
Full text


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