ISSN 2070-7401 (Print), ISSN 2411-0280 (Online)
Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa


Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2020, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 245-251

Dynamics of nitrogen dioxide in the atmosphere of Kazakhstan based on ground observations and remote sensing data

A.Kh. Akhmedzhanov 1 , T.K. Karadanov 1 
1 National Centre of Space Research and Technology, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
Accepted: 29.01.2020
DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2020-17-2-245-251
According to Kazhydromet data, the most elevated values of ground concentration of nitrogen dioxide are observed in the cities of Nur-Sultan, Karaganda, Almaty, Taraz. These cities were included in the zones of high nitrogen dioxide content in the atmospheric column on the territory of Kazakhstan in 2018. This shows a satisfactory agreement of ground measurements and remote sensing data analysis. According to satellite data for 2016–2018, the nitrogen dioxide content in the atmospheric column is maximal in the warm season and minimal in the cold season. In the cold period the amplitude of changes are maximal, in the warm period the interval of changes is minimal. Analysis of OMI sensor data for the period from 2005 to 2019 showed an average increase of 8.57 % in the value of nitrogen dioxide in the atmospheric column on the territory of Kazakhstan.
Keywords: atmosphere, small gases, nitrogen dioxide, content, atmospheric column, remote sensing
Full text


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