Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2019, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 282-289
Ionosphere parameters determination using the new processing technique for the Irkutsk incoherent scatter radar
D.S. Khabituev
1 , B.G. Shpynev
1 , A.G. Setov
1 1 Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia
Accepted: 01.07.2019
DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2019-16-4-282-289
The work is devoted to the description of a new technique for secondary processing of the Irkutsk incoherent scatter radar (IISR) data. The new processing technique includes a set of software that conduct multi-parameter full-profile fitting from primary Irkutsk radar data. The adaptive simplex processor (ASP) is used as the core of the new processing software program. ASP is a set of software algorithms based on genetic sorting technology. The ASP significantly improves the retrieval accuracy of ionospheric parameters: electron density, electron and ion temperatures, plasma drift velocity, plasma ion composition. In addition, a modified radar equation is used in the new processing technique. The modified radar equation takes into account the refraction of the electromagnetic wave of the probing radar signal during its passage through the ionosphere. Despite the large number of starting variables and a large amount of computation, due to ASP we managed to keep the computational speed of the new technique at a low level. The testing of the new technique was conducted on the Irkutsk radar data for 2000. The results show an unprecedented accuracy of fitting the starting power profiles and spectrum of the Irkutsk radar. New estimates of the plasma drift velocity along the radar vision line in which almost no dependence on height are obtained. Also, new data of the relative ion composition with the presence of heavy ions in the lower ionosphere and light ions in the topside ionosphere are obtained.
Keywords: ionosphere, incoherent scatter
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