ISSN 2070-7401 (Print), ISSN 2411-0280 (Online)
Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa


Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2018, Vol. 15, No. 7, pp. 266-271

Observation of the hill collapse zone near the Bureya River on December 11, 2018

L.S. Kramareva 1 , E.A. Loupian 2 , Iu.A. Amelchenko 1 , M.A. Burtsev 2 , Yu.S. Krasheninnikova 2 , V.V. Sukhanova 1 , J.A. Shamilova 1 
1 Far-Eastern Center of SRC Planeta, Khabarovsk, Russia
2 Space Research Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia
Accepted: 26.01.2019
DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2018-15-7-266-271
The report provides an analysis of satellite data depicting the Bureya River left bank collapse area. The collapse happened opposite to the Sredniy Sandar River influx into the Bureya River at the point with coordinates 50°33′38″ N, 131°28′53″ E. The collapse zone area is estimated at about 0.4 km2 (estimates were made from Sentinel-2B data). The length of the collapse mound that dams the Bureya riverbed is about 600 m, the maximum width of the mound exceeds 600 m. The collapse-induced wave has almost totally destroyed the forest on the banks of the Bureya River and its feeders over the 140 ha area. Forest damage areas can be observed up to 7 km. upstream and up to 4 km down the river, which makes the total wave propagation zone longer than 10 km. The area of the collapse is uninhabited, so the exact time of the collapse can be determined only from satellite data. This was done by the analysis of the Himawari-8 satellite AHI instrument observation time series. This instrument provides observations every ten minutes. Analysis of the observation series over the December 10, 2018, 00:00 GMT ― December 13, 2018, 00:00 GMT period has shown the temperature anomaly on December 11, 2018, 04:30 GMT in the 3.9 μm spectral band and on December 11, 2018, 04:40 GMT in the 11.3 μm spectral band. It indicates that the collapse began approximately at 04:30 GMT. It is first seen in the 3.9 μm band because of a dust cloud which decreases the surface reflectivity. After that, a large amount of warm water erupted on the surface (the air temperature at the collapse moment was about −20 °C, the erupted water temperature was above 0 °C) making the observed temperature in 3.9 and 11.3 μm bands significantly, more than 2 °C, higher. After that, the erupted water began freezing and approximately at 08:00 GMT the temperature anomaly disappeared. Thus the report shows that operational satellite systems have provided detailed observations of a rare phenomenon (the collapse total bulk exceeded 30 million m3 according to in-situ observation data). It should be noted that by the time of preparation of this report the Bureya riverbed was completely dammed allowing no more water inflow into the Bureyskoe Reservoir, which means flooding danger to the upstream areas.
Keywords: Bureyskoe Reservoir, Bureya River, slope collapse, Earth observation satellite systems, Earth remote sensing
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