ISSN 2070-7401 (Print), ISSN 2411-0280 (Online)
Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa


Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2018, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 58-67

The reliability of a digital elevation model of the Arkhangelsk Region for geoecological research

A.L. Mineev 1 , E.V. Polyakova 1 , Yu.G. Kutinov 1, 2 , Z.B. Chistova 1 
1 Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research RAS, Arkhangelsk, Russia
2 Space Monitoring Center of the Arctic NARFU, Arkhangelsk, Russia
Accepted: 10.07.2018
DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2018-15-4-58-67
Information on the shape of the Earth’s surface is in demand when solving many geoecological problems and is traditionally represented in the form of maps (contour lines, isohypses, isobaths, etc.). At present, the main way to represent the shape of the earth’s surface is the digital elevation model (DEM). With the development of computer and aerospace technologies, digital modeling of the relief has become an independent scientific discipline ― geomorphometry, the subject of which is quantitative modeling and analysis of the relief of the earth’s surface, as well as the interrelations between the relief and other natural and anthropogenic components of geosystems. Earlier the authors have constructed a digital model of the relief on the territory of the Arkhangelsk region on the basis of ASTER GDEM v.2, its preparation and correction in the SAGA GIS software environment. This article analyzes the suitability of the constructed DEM for carrying out geoecological studies based on it. The accuracy (reliability) of the constructed DEM is verified by comparison with the points of the planned survey network of open vector GIS data Panorama; DEM of the Belomorsko-Kuloyskoe plateau constructed with the use of topographic maps of scale 1:200 000 in GIS GRASS software; by field measurements of heights carried out with the use of a GPS-navigator. It has been established that only 2 % of the values have a discrepancy of more than 20 m. These residual values fall on the territory where ASTER GDEM v.2 has been absent in the original form. In general, the DEM constructed is accurate (reliable) and suitable for further geomorphometric analysis aiming to obtain geoecologically significant information.
Keywords: digital elevation model, ASTER GDEM v.2, Arkhangelsk region, SAGA GIS
Full text


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