Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2017, Vol. 14, No. 7, pp. 177-189
Thermal regime of the pond-cooler surface of Beryozovskaya GRES-1 from MODIS data
A.S. Savel'ev
1 , O.G. Morozova
1 , N.S. Veselkova
1 1 Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Accepted: 07.07.2017
DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2017-14-7-177-189
The surface temperature of a reservoir is one of major factors of eutrophication. A discharge of heated water from thermal power plants is the cause for the increase in water temperature in pond-coolers, which can lead to negative consequences for the ecosystem of water bodies. The water temperature is controlled by ground-based measurements in the framework of water quality monitoring. The use of remote sensing methods allows expanding time series of observations and improving its spatial resolution. The work is devoted to the study of thermal regime of the surface of the pond-cooler of Beryozovskaya GRES-1 from MODIS spectroradiometer data. The applicability of MOD11A2 scenes for monthly-average temperature mapping and reservoir zoning in large scale was shown by overlapping them on Landsat scenes (TIRS, ETM+) acquired the same day. For homogeneous surfaces, there is slight temperature variability in the section of the reservoir corresponding to a MODIS pixel. Data processing and analysis was performed using open source GIS Quantum GIS. Based on the MODIS/Terra Level-3 MOD11A2 scenes for the period 2000–2016, time series of surface temperature were constructed at various points in the reservoir. The parameters of the thermal regime are determined from these time series: the minimum and maximum surface temperatures, the average temperature and its standard deviation, the average duration of the season with a temperature above 20 °C, the average dates of the beginning of the period of direct and reverse stratification. Analysis of the obtained time series for different points revealed spatial variations of the thermal regime of the reservoir. Maps of isolines of the average monthly water surface temperature are plotted reflecting the thermal impact of the power station on the reservoir. In winter, the effect of the thermal discharge of BGRES-1 on the temperature of the surface layer is much stronger than in the summer period. The zoning of the reservoir-cooler was performed by the method of agglomerative hierarchical clustering and the mean monthly temperatures for the obtained zones were calculated. The circulation flow of heated water from the discharge channel to the water intake of the station passes in a small area around the station. This reduces the efficiency of cooling water and leads to a risk of eutrophication of the reservoir.
Keywords: Beryozovskaya GRES-1, eutrophication, reservoir-cooler, surface temperature, stratification, MODIS, MOD11A2 product, map, isolines, zoning, clustering
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