ISSN 2070-7401 (Print), ISSN 2411-0280 (Online)
Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa


Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2017, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 215-224

Heat and moisture regulation function of landscapes in taiga zone by remote sensing data (the case of Vologda Region)

Z.V. Bortnovskiy 1 
1 Dubna State University, Dubna, Russia
Accepted: 14.02.2017
DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2017-14-3-215-224
Solar radiation absorbed by the Earth surface is conversed mainly into sensible heat flow and latent heat flow. The research is based on the short-cut equation of the Earth surface heat balance. Landscapes with closed canopy, especially forested ones are the major emitter of latent heat flow on the land. The article is aimed to ranging the taiga zone landscapes in accordance with parameters of latent heat flow and sensible heat flow. It was important to deduce the relative shares of landscape taxons in the water cycle structure. The research was carried out in the Vologda Region during vegetation period. Two representative regions were selected in the western half of the Vologda Region, each of them about 1500 km2 area and different landscape structure. Fieldwork was carried out in these regions and differences of landscapes were found out by parameters of latent heat flow and sensible heat flow. The research was performed in QGIS. The results are based on processing of Landsat 5TM and Landsat 8 OLI TIRS multispectral remote sensing data. Landscapes of both regions were decoded. Relative gradients of thermal field along representative profiles were defined. Maximum latent heat flow was defined for forest landscapes, in particular for climax forests undisturbed by logging. Minimum latent heat flow was defined for fresh clear felling and urban landscape.
Keywords: landscapes transformation, clear felling, water cycle, latent heat, sensible heat, heat island, heat and moisture regulation
Full text


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