ISSN 2070-7401 (Print), ISSN 2411-0280 (Online)
Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa


Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2017, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 167-174

Ice thickness measurements at freshwater lake and river using GLONASS and GPS signals

M.I. Mikhailov 1 , K.V. Muzalevskiy 1 , V.L. Mironov 1, 2 
1 L.V. Kirensky Institute of Physics SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
2 M.F. Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Accepted: 20.03.2017
DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2017-14-2-167-174
In this paper, we experimentally investigate the possibility to monitor ice thickness over freshwater objects based on measuring the interference diagrams formed by the signals of the GLONASS and GPS navigation satellites. The interference diagrams are recorded with a commercially available receiver MRC-32R which is additionally equipped with an antenna of right-hand circular polarization. The errors of ice thickness measurements derived with this technique are estimated. Measurements of interference diagrams of the GLONASS and GPS navigation satellites were conducted on freshwater lake and river situated in the urban area of Krasnoyarsk on February 3 and March 20, 2015. Errors which values were derived from interference diagrams of GLONASS and GPS signals are close to each other and do not exceed 0.03 m relative to ice thickness measured in situ. The conducted studies have shown the fundamental feasibility of measuring ice cover thickness based on GLONASS and GPS signals.
Keywords: interferometry, ice thickness, GLONASS, GPS
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