ISSN 2070-7401 (Print), ISSN 2411-0280 (Online)
Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa


Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2016, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 227-237

Features of mesoscale cyclogenesis over the eastern sector of the Eurasian Arctic

I.A. Gurvich 1 , E.V. Zabolotskikh 2 , M.K. Pichugin 1 
1 V.I. Il’ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute FEB RAS, Vladivostok, Russia
2 Russian State Hydrometeorological University, St. Peterburg, Russia
Accepted: 13.07.2016
DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2016-13-5-227-237
We investigated the characteristics of mesoscale cyclogenesis over the eastern sector of the Eurasian Arctic (EEA) in 2007 (anomalously low sea ice cover) and 2014 (high sea ice cover) for the period of 2003−2014. The autumn season (September–November) was chosen for investigating as the period of intensification of mesoscale cyclogenesis in EEA. Mesocyclones were identified in the fields of surface wind vector from NCEP_CFSR high resolution reanalysis data and in cloud signatures in visible and infrared images of Terra/Aqua MODIS. The conditions of their formation and development were assessed by surface analysis and baric topography synoptic maps of NOAA National Climatic Data Center and ERA Interim reanalysis. Quantitative estimates of oceanic and atmospheric parameters were obtained from satellite microwave measurements using original algorithms. Comprehensive analysis of multisensory satellite data and the reanalysis revealed that the dependence of mesocyclonic activity on changes in ice cover area was clearly expressed for the Laptev and East Siberian Seas and virtually non-existent for the Kara and Chukchi Seas. Unlike other regions, the peak of mesoscale cyclogenesis is shifted from the winter months to October. Mesocyclones over the EEA occur despite lower convective instability of the atmosphere as compared to other regions of mesoscale cyclogenesis. It can be assumed that the contribution of baroclinic instability of the atmospheric boundary layer during their formation prevails over the contribution of convection.
Keywords: mesocyclones, eastern Arctic, multisensory, satellite, remote sensing, water vapor, cloud liquid water, sea surface wind, reanalysis
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