ISSN 2070-7401 (Print), ISSN 2411-0280 (Online)
Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa


Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2016, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 84-94

Creating composite maps of ocean surface temperature preserving thermal structures

S.E. Diakov 1 , V.A. Kachur 1 
1 Institute of Automation and Control Processes FEB RAS, Vladivostok, Russia

Accepted: 09.03.2016
DOI: 10.21046/2070-7401-2016-13-2-84-94 

This article discusses problems associated with creating all-weather compositional maps of sea surface temperature (SST) using satellite data in infrared and microwave spectra. An approach to creating SST maps is proposed based on the principles of preservation of thermal fronts. This approach uses robust methods of temperature estimation from heterogeneous satellite data and additional cloud filtering methods. These filtering methods use maps of spatial and temporal variability of SST values. Procedures for creating maps of spatial and temporal variability are described. The specifics of the chosen approach are discussed, and the technology for its implementation is proposed. A comparison of the accuracy of estimating compositional day-time and night-time OST maps based on a series from 20 images in 2013 is undertaken. It is shown that the accuracy of the maps is 0.7°C, and assessments of the accuracy of one-day compositional maps are given.
Keywords: sea surface temperature, SST composite maps
Full text


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