Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2015, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 60-71
Emission of a plane electromagnetic wave of arbitrary polarization on sinusoidal boundary water surface
А.B. Selunsky
1 , А.V. Kuzmin
1 , N.Yu. Komarova
1 Space Research Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia
Remote aerospace methods now play a decisive role in the studies of the oceans. Microwave radiometer measurements, in turn, occupy a leading position in ocean remote sensing. Using microwave radiometry allow determining such important parameters of the ocean – atmosphere system as sea surface temperature, speed and direction of the surface wind, integral parameters of humidity and water vapor content in the atmosphere, etc. In recent years, considerable efforts have been devoted to developing methods to determine salinity of the surface layer of ocean. All this requires close study of the physical mechanisms of polarization characteristics of microwave ocean emission and atmospheric radiation scattered by rough surface.
We develop a theory of interaction of plane-polarized monochromatic electromagnetic wave with a sinusoidal surface of the sea. An exact solution of the wave equation for a sinusoidal water-air boundary for an arbitrary polarization is obtained. Boundary conditions on a periodic surface are expanded in Fourier series of spatial harmonics. This leads to an infinite- dimensional system of linear equations, which is solved with any chosen degree of accuracy due to its diagonal convergence. On the basis of the solution, sea surface absorption coefficient, emissivity and brightness temperature are calculated for various parameter sets. Resonant features of the emissivity and absorption coefficient are demonstrated. As expected, the maximal effects are associated with vertically polarized radiation.
Keywords: remote sensing, microwave radiometer, radiometers, the theory of electromagnetic scattering, absorption coefficient, emissivity, critical phenomena, wave diffraction, surface, border.
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