Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2013, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 262-273
4. Методические указания по проведению государственной инвентаризации лесов: Проект. Федеральное агентство лесного хозяйства, 2011
M.V. Cheremisin
, V.D. Burkov
Moscow State Forest University
This article analyzes the current approaches of global and regional monitoring of forests. Their positive and negative features are discussed. Method of monitoring on the basis of a distanceoriented selected (DOS) for optical and microwave data of active and passive sensing are proposed. The model of DOS are performed. Implementation of the method being tested on the test range EF "Russian Forest" with a detailed description of each stage. The version of the software implementation of the method and the prospect of its use are described.
Keywords: мониторинг лесов, ДЗЗ, радиолокация, дистанционно-ориентированные выделы, государственная инвентаризация лесов, вегетационный индекс, forest monitoring, remote sensing, radar, distance-oriented selected, the state forest inventory, vegetation index
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