Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2013, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 224-228
Assessment of the structure of agricultural crop areas using high resolution satellite data
V.I. Povkh
1, L.A. Shlyakhova
2, I.N. Boeva
11 South Regional Information & Analytical Centre, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
2 Rоstov State Transport University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
An example is presented of the complex approach realization to usage of elements of the information and measurement system to solve the problem of the structure assessment for agricultural crops. The Egorlyk area of the Rostov region is considered as a terrain of interest. Initial are satellite pictures of the high spatial resolution from RapidEye (05.06.2011) and Landsat 7. The structure assessment was conducted during the spring-summer season by the following main stages: collection and analysis of initial information on the etalon fields and on sites of interest; preliminary processing of satellite pictures; their classification using the etalons and the maximal likelihood methods; GIS-projects development for the selected terrain to present the extracted information about the crops on the level of each field. The results of thematic mapping of space information are given in the form of the related schemes of the crop areas for the terrain of interest.
Keywords: спутниковые снимки высокого разрешения, ГИС-проекты, тестовые данные, территория интереса, satellite images of high resolution, recognizable feature, test site, vector layers, terrain of interest
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