Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2013, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 161-174
Multisensor satellite sensing of winter cyclones with storm and hurricane winds in Northern Pacific Ocean
L.M. Mitnik
1, M.L. Mitnik
1, I.A. Gurvich
1, A.V. Vykochko
1, Yu.A. Kuzlyakina
1, I.V. Cherny
2, G.M. Chernyavsky
21 V.I. Il’ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute FEB RAS, Vladivostok, Russia
2 Scientific-Technological Center «Kosmonit» JSC «Russian Space Systems», Moscow, Russia
Passing of cyclones over the Northern Atlantic and Northern Pacific oceans is frequently accompanied by sudden changes for deterioration of weather conditions due to storm winds and high waves. Landfalling cyclones cause gross economic losses due to strong winds and heavy precipitation. Estimates of wind and sea surface roughness fields in particular cyclones and total contribution of the cyclones to heat and water vapor fluxes during cold seasons are topical issues. Satellite remote sensing data are the most suitable for their solving. Results of comprehensive analysis of satellite measurements carried out over several cyclones in the Pacific Ocean during cold seasons 2009–2011 are given. High wind zones with wind speed exceeding 20–25 m/s were determined by processing Aqua AMSR-E data. They were located mainly in southwest sector of cyclones. Proposal was demonstrated to use these zones for tuning and validation of wind speed retrieval algorithms.
Keywords: мультисенсорное спутниковое зондирование, внетропические циклоны, скаттерометры, QuikSCAT, микроволновые радиометры, AMSR-E, МТВЗА-ГЯ, MODIS, CloudSat, алгоритмы, паросодержание атмосферы, водозапас облаков, приводный ветер, multisensory satellite sensing, extratropical cyclones, scatterometers, QuikSCAT, microwave radiometers, AMSR-E, MTVZA-GYa, MODIS, CloudSat, algorithms, total atmospheric water vapor content, total cloud liquid water content, sea surface wind
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