Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2013, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 89-97
Development of planetary database and access based on GIS (geo-portal)
I.P. Karachevtsevа
, E.N. Matveev
, A.A. Kokhanov
, N.A. Kozlova
, A.S. Garov
Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK), Moscow, Russia
As part of the mapping of the planets and satellites of our solar system, operated in MIIGAiK use a variety of remote sensing data obtained in the performance of past (Viking, Voyager 1 and – 2, Galileo, Cassini), and current missions: observations of Phobos from the European spacecraft (SC) «Mars-Express» (MEX), as well as exploration of the moon with an American spacecraft «Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter» (LRO). Unlike past years, missions, modern devices provide data at a very high resolution (up to 0,5 m/pixel), which provides a detailed study of the surface of the celestial bodies, comparable to studies of the Earth from space. Access to the planetary data is provided primarily through the American system of Planetary Data System (PDS). Storage, archiving and access to large amounts of information of various planetary missions are complex technological problem whose solution requires the organization of specialized archives. With the launch of new missions volumes of spatial information is continuously growing, there are new types of data structure is modified already processed information. For accessing data widely used Web technology, including methods based on mapping geo-portals. In MIIGAiK developed geo-portal of planetary data that can be used as a model of the Russian segment of the storage of the results for Solar system research.
Keywords: геоинформационное картографирование планет, ГИС, базы данных, веб-технологии, геопортал, planetary cartography, spatial databases, GIS and Web services, geo-portal
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