Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2013, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 64-75
Microwave radiometer-spectrometer with limit characteristics for the study of the Earth from space in the range of 6...220 GHz
Yu.B. Khapin
1, A.V. Kuzmin
1, A G. Semin
2, E.A. Sharkov
11 Space Research Institute, Moscow, Russia
2 State Pedagogical University, Penza, Russia
The analysis of the status and outlined the trends in the development of space radiometry. Considered are the characteristics of the main types of radiometers with conical scanning, worked recent years in Earth orbit at the Russian and foreign satellites. On the basis of the conducted analysis of proposed project microwave radiometer-spectrometer (MRS) with limit of measuring characteristics in the frequency spectrum of 6,8 (V, H), 10,6 (V, H, ±45°); 18,7 (V, H, ±45°); 22,2 (H); 36 (V, H, ±45°); 85 (V, H); 118 (6 channels); 150 (V, H); 183 (6 channels) GHz.
Keywords: радиометр, радиометр-спектрометр, микроволновая радиометрия, радиояркостная температура, восстановление профиля водяного пара в атмосфере, radiometer, radiometer-spectrometer, microwave radiometry, brightness temperature, recovery profile of water vapor in the atmosphere
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