ISSN 2070-7401 (Print), ISSN 2411-0280 (Online)
Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa


Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa, 2012, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 304-311

On inter-decadal climate oscillations in the North-Atlantic region

M.V. Anisimov 1, V.I. Byshev 1, V.B. Zalesny 2, S.N. Moshonkin 3, V.G. Neiman 1, Ju.A. Romanov 1, I.V. Serykh 1
1 P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS, 117997 Moscow, 36 Nakhimovsky pr
2 P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS Institute of Numerical Mathematics RAS, 117997 Moscow, 36 Nakhimovsky pr 119333 Moskow, 8 Gubkina str
3 Institute of Numerical Mathematics RAS, 119333 Moskow, 8 Gubkina str
A diagnosis of the modern climate inter-decadal variability was conducted by means of statistical analysis of a secular term of the Global hydrometeorological data sets. A multitude of the North-Atlantic climate phase states have been found to divide onto three sub-sets with their own particular thermo-dynamic characteristics which allowed considering each of the subset as a feature of the certain climatic scenario. It was shown that during the last century the North-Atlantic region experienced the impact of three such successive scenarios referred to the next periods: 1905 -1935 (relatively warm phase), 1940-1970(cooler phase), 1980-2000 (warmer phase). Our present results combined with some other independent views gives an argument on that in the first decade of current century the North-Atlantic climatic system began its transition to a new scenario(relatively cool!) which, to all appearances, will continue up to 2030-2035. By means of numerical modeling of the North-Atlantic Ocean thermo-haline structure evolution it was revealed the inter-decadal variation of upper active ocean layer heat content which took place in second half of the XX-th century. This result is obviously in the good correlation with the detected climate scenarional variability in the Northern Hemisphere. It was found that a milder "marine" climate on the continent corresponds timely to a period of the ocean heat content shortening and vice versa - a phase of more "continental" climate is accompanied by the rise of ocean upper layer heat content.
Keywords: ocean, atmosphere, interaction, climate, variability, North Atlantic, active layer, atmospheric pressure, temperature, heat content
Full text


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